Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I've been TAGGED

Well. Can you tell I'm playing catch up tonight. Lots of things I've been meaning to do but have once again put off. Thanks Michelle for the Tag. While I can't pass this on to 7 people as the rule states I will endeavour to feed you 7 random and or weird facts about me. Gosh where to start.
1. I dislike milk so much that one taste and it regurgitates (can't spell ooh is that another fact..just kidding) itself yet I can eat icecream to my hearts content and my figures demise. I know weird aye.
2. In My youth (oh no I'm old) I was a marching girl. Buzzbies, pancakes and pins galore. I marched for City Gate and one other team I have temporarily forgotten their name (look out alzheimers setting in).
3. For 7 years I was a labourer at Taranaki Sawmills fingerjoining department. Thoroughly loved my job only giving it up to have my two beautiful children.
4. When time allows(hmmmm.....) I love to read a book in the bath. I'm talking front to back, topping up the bath when it gets cold, skin wrinkling, long time soaking. Lucky we have a very good hot water cylinder.
5. I have a love hate relationship with my rose bushes. I love all the beautiful smells and colours, while hating the thorns that get me every time I have to prune, the pests that need constant spraying, and the leaves that get blackspot that fall and spread to the next plant. And the saga goes on. I think I have roughly 20 rose bushes now.
6. I met my husband while working as a telephonist. He was a motorcycle courier for one of the firms I answered the phones for. It was my job to dish out his jobs and tell him where to go. And if you ask him he'll probably tell you i still dish out his jobs and tell him where to go :D)
7. Once while racing with my brother round my parents house on my bike, I looked round to see where he was, by the time I looked back I ran straight into the corner of a 4*4 fence post. I got a lump the size of a golf ball on my forhead, a black eye which graduated to two black eyes. All in the name of fun? I got to attend school with my shiners and all everyone wanted to know was what did the other guy look like?
Well there are my 7 random and very weird facts. Night all.


Michelle said...

LOL!! Thanks for playing Tracey. Very funny reading about your "youth"! Have a great wet day.

Michelle said...

ROFL!!! I thought I had just visited TRACEY's blog - and when I went back to the main page, saw it was yours!! DUMB BLONDE! NOT - I'm just dumb.
Thanks for having us last night Kim (and Neil), and yes, I can well and truly imagine you "telling Neil where to go" - you still do?!